Saturday, 19 March 2011

Elvis...No not that one

Meet Elvis, I first saw his illustrations when I visited New York back in January (OH MY seems ages ago - time sure does fly). It was a the Bluestockings bookstore in Lowe East Side ( I recommend it highly for alternative radical and independent magazines) it first started of as a lesbian bookstore but has expanded to include all different studies on global capitalism and democracy.
Anyway getting to the point of this blog - the man behind the illustrated postcards of Bluestockings. As you know I have a bit of a thing for postcards so I added the one above to my collection, recently i have been checking out his blog which is full of his quirky illustrations and they are awesome! 
Its fun just to flick through and have a look at them, heres a few of my favourites...

The future of queer straight people

Pickup in the Co-op

Elvis also researches into queer and women's history, and also illustrates for NYC's radical newspaper - 'The Indypendant'. Whilst helping out at Bluestockings.


1 comment:

  1. Ohh I live super close to Blustockings!

    Love this illustrations as well..

    x Elizabeth / IN BETWEEN SEAMS
