About Me

I am currently at Nottingham Trent University studying towards a degree in Fashion Marketing and Branding, and I absolutely love it! My future career changes week after week, but at this moment in time I am considering the path into fashion journalism and writing features.

My blog is all about my personal style and what I do to fill my time, I used to think blogging was always about the numbers game - that you needed to get such a number of followers to establish yourself in the blogging world. Now I don't believe that to be true. I don't care whether I have 8 or 800 followers, as long as they are loyal, read my content and like what and how I write then thats fine with me.

Tell me your thoughts... My blog isn't destined to be a running monologue of Daisy Simpson so comment!

I also write and take pictures for the StreetStyle section for the student magazine Platform at Nottingham Trent so check that out!.

I have also contributed to UglyBaby.com and Rookiemagazine.com, writting about fashion, photography and travel.