Sunday, 27 March 2011

Paolo Ventura - Reinventing the fashion story.

In the Spring/Summer 2011 edition of Vs Magazine (if you haven't come across this zine yet I urge you to take a look at their website and their short films), Paolo Ventura made miniature sets by hand for the fashion shoot set which were then photographed and feature Lily Cole. They are absolutely amazing and so life like.

This fashion shoot, is the first to be done in this way, and it really proves the point how art and fashion merge and interrelate so well together.

Its crazy how talented this man is and he has shown how the fashion story can constructed in different ways.

In an interview with Vs, Ventura explained how he came to build a career in taking photos of small handcrafted dioramas. He said that "I knew what I wanted; I had a story in my head. I was thinking of something vague and specific at the time. So I started looking. I traveled all over Italy for almost a year. I went to Sicily. I found these mummies, this church. I found interesting things. But it wasn't my own story. When I came back, I realised what I was looking for wasn't there. So one day, I just started building."

Ventura is inspired by the past - for example his childhood - when he used to explore old broken down circuses.

The tiny sets are made out of any materials Ventura can get his hands on - wood, plastic, also things sourced from flea markets.

His work...

The Vs Shoot:

Thursday, 24 March 2011

A/W 2011 Prediction - Are you FUR real?

I have decided to blog about the catwalk trends that I think will be hot on the high-street for Fall 2011.
I will look at the macro trends that will be statement looks/pieces and the subtle micro trends.
So we shall see if my mystic powers of prediction are right on the money in a few months time...

A/W 2010 saw a lot of fur - specifically fur coats. Leopard print and cream were the key colours and patterns. I am predicting that fur will make another appearance in 2011, however this time fur will be a lot more contemporary as it seems that the catwalk designers have given fur a bit of a face lift. Coloured fur will be major in fall, think dark purples and teal green. There will be fur scarfs, fur trimmings on a number of different garments such as dresses, hats and coats. The key to this trend is to totally rethink the ways in which we wear fur - the phase less is more applies to this MACRO trend.

The Italian designers really spear headed this trend for example Gucci, Giorgio Armani,  Emilio Pucci, and Prada. Which comes as no surprise seeing as the Italians are renowned for their use of fur.

The high-street brands that I can see adopting this trend are River Island - who are known for their detailing and 'glamness', who will take the fur paneling look. And I can see Topshop, Zara and high end shops such as Whistles adopting the coloured fur in rich colours and fur scarves.
My favourite!

Photos used are from

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Elvis...No not that one

Meet Elvis, I first saw his illustrations when I visited New York back in January (OH MY seems ages ago - time sure does fly). It was a the Bluestockings bookstore in Lowe East Side ( I recommend it highly for alternative radical and independent magazines) it first started of as a lesbian bookstore but has expanded to include all different studies on global capitalism and democracy.
Anyway getting to the point of this blog - the man behind the illustrated postcards of Bluestockings. As you know I have a bit of a thing for postcards so I added the one above to my collection, recently i have been checking out his blog which is full of his quirky illustrations and they are awesome! 
Its fun just to flick through and have a look at them, heres a few of my favourites...

The future of queer straight people

Pickup in the Co-op

Elvis also researches into queer and women's history, and also illustrates for NYC's radical newspaper - 'The Indypendant'. Whilst helping out at Bluestockings.


Friday, 18 March 2011

Some major photographic inspiration...

When I went to Belgium, I made sure I came back with their version of ELLE - so what I can't read German - thats OK as I prefer visual communication so much more than articles. Call it a cliché but a picture can speak a thousand words, and most of the time an image can communicate much more effectively than words.

I also love how you can read into an image however you want - there is no right or wrong way to understand a photograph.

So here goes these are my favourite visuals from Belgium ELLE...

These images definitely get me in to the mood for warmer months and summer!! Which means no tights, cute dresses and BBQs! x

Thursday, 17 March 2011

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Statement Jewellery

I absolutely love jewelery its so versatile - no matter what you are wearing theres gonna be something in the box to suit your outfit. Simple and boring outfit day? (I have plenty!) All you have to do is just chuck  a statement necklace on and there you have it - an instant update. No matter how old a piece of Jewelery is it gives outfits detail and meaning. One of the major benefits is that it makes you look like you have made an effort, without taking a hell of a long time. And last but not least its a great buy to make you feel good as it doesn't cost as much as clothing!

I love my little growing collection of jewelery, which has some diverse pieces - from pearls to skulls, theres something in my jewelery box for any occasion.
Here are some of my favorites...
 I bought these earrings at POP boutique in Manchester on Oldham Street - amazing vintage shop!

 My mum bought me this necklace for my year 11 prom from a jewelers, its so pretty and delicate and definitely something I wouldn't normally wear, but its perfect for formal occasions.

 Ahhh rings! These are few of my ever growing ring collection - I absolutely love rings. I really think they can make an outfit.  My goal is to have a ring on every finger (yes you read correctly - crazy I know but I just love the feel of them). The chief's head is from Spain and so is the big one, the square one was stolen from mum and the Vivienne Westwood which is AWESOME was an 18th birthday present from all my friends back home.

 This charm bracelet was originally my grandmother's, the charms are brilliant - so much better than the Pandora Sh*te that people have now. Its so chunky and jiggle jaggles when you move. My favorite charm is the postbox which can be opened up to reveal a little postman stood inside. God knows why he's in there when he should be doing his job - but there you go - each to their own!

 My Mawi skeleton necklace - cost an arm and a leg (literally) but my God it was worth it! I have this thing for skulls and I don't know why I just think they are incredibly cool. If you haven't checked out Mawi Jewelery I 100% recommend it. I love the clasp that you open to put it on as well!

 This bracelet was just a cheap thing from a shop in Spain.

 And this is my most recent purchase from Belgium - bought at a fleamarket where I haggled the man down from 10 euros to 5... Yes I know I am a genius!

Postcards, hoarding, late night bingo and religion

Collecting postcards is a major habit of mine and any little shop cards, scraps of fabric, patterns, magazine clippings and any chit that I can get my hands on! Due to the nature of my course (fashion marketing and branding) I think they are great to stick up round your room to gaze at for inspiration and to generate new ideas. It also reminds me of great trips such as the postcards I bought in New York, which are totally different from the ones I found in Belgium.

I am a hoarder to the extent where I am still wearing t-shirts I bought when I was 13 - my favorite T-shirt is included in this - the infamous 'Jesus is my homeboy'. And just for the record I'm not a religious freak, I don't know whether I am 'BELIEVER' or not? Its a touchy subject. Anyway getting back on track... Hoarding - ahhh yes that was it. My hording explains my very messy student room/tiny cupboard. I just can never ever justify throwing anything away and why should I? I am creating my own little landfill site in my room, full of useless junk - but not everything has to have a purpose! My justification to the Mother, who will be the one digging me out of all the rubbish one day!

I even save newspaper clippings (my favorite one is titled '70 OAPS GIVEN EVICTION WARNING OVER LATE-NIGHT BINGO SESSIONS') Now for those that know me I like a good game of bingo, and to think these pensioners are being threatened with Asbos, the article goes on to say that a 'fellow party organizer Brenda Gough, 66, filed a complaint to the council after lies began circulating that she moved her 99-year-old mother out so she could take over her tenancy, and that she brought men home for sex.' Its such a funny article to read, especially when Jean Walton states 'I don't want to vegetate for the rest of my life'. AMAZING - just when you think its the youth today rebelling against society - a grandma is out doing the lot.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Blogging Masterclass with Susie Lau from Style Bubble and Stevie from Discotheque Collection

Tonight I attended a blogging event with the masterminds behind the two best blogs around - Susie and Stevie at Nottingham Topshop.
It was really inspiring to hear them chat about their experiences and share their tips on how to create a great blog.
Some tips that I picked up -
*Need original content
*Rely on first hand experience when blogging
*Get totally involved in the blogging community
*Unique and have your OWN voice

Blogs are still being talked about as if they are this new phenomena sweeping over the fashion industry, when in fact Susie and Stevie have been blogging for the last five or six years - making them Dinosaurs of fashion blogging when thinking in relation to fashion's instant turn around and fast lead times.

There has been a lot of coverage on blogs Vs magazines and how blogs seem to be a threat to the zines. Blogging and magazines should live in harmony and should complement each other - blogs are only another way of covering fashion and they have brought on the democracy of fashion in leaps and bounds. For instance blogs have encouraged designers and brands to form two way communications with their consumers and blogging has also lead to the consumer becoming more informed and knowledgeable.  

Monday, 14 March 2011

A weekend in Belgium...

This weekend just gone I took a trip to Belgium, and visited Brussels and Bruges. My first stop on Friday was Brussels where I visited Grand Place which was amazing - a must visit if you are interested in architecture. Brussels was filled with street art, especially when you step into the side streets. Brussels really knew how to mix up different street styles and architecture.
Also in Brussels I visited a flea market, it was an absolute treasure trove - but you have to be prepared to rummage as there is equally as much trash as there is treasure.
I bought this necklace from there - the man wanted 10 euros but I haggled my way down to 5!

The rest of the time we had a delicious waffle and tasted lots of chocolate!

On Friday night we headed to Bruges where i stayed until Sunday. This was a really cool place where I visited the Dali Museum, visited the food market, and got lost down all the little side streets, visited the permanent scaffolding house and eat a traditional Belgium meal!

Whilst in Bruges I also bought the Belgium ELLE and Vs Magazine!

Thursday, 10 March 2011


I'm off to Belgium this weekend so look out for my post about all that I get up to whilst intoxicated with beer and chocolate!

Much love x